As a leading research-intensive university in Germany, LMU Munich is an ideal environment for research-oriented teaching. The tremendous diversity of the degree programs on offer makes it possible for students, even at bachelor level, to specialize in specific disciplines, but also to choose an interdisciplinary focus.
Research-oriented Master’s Programs with External Funding
The Master’s programs offered at LMU are uniformly research-oriented. The wide range of offerings also includes programs that are externally funded, for example, by the Elite Network of Bavaria or the Volkswagen Foundation:
LMU Research Award for Excellent Students
LMU awards the LMU Research Award for Excellent Students to selected excellent students and excellent student project teams who have done outstanding work in the planning, execution, and presentation of student research projects.
The award includes prize money of 1,000 euros. Projects awarded thus far have been presented by the winning students at renowned congresses and published in international journals or are role models for projects aimed at the entire student body of a subject. They support fellow students in their learning progress and in later decisions relating to their careers. Since 2021, five awards have been sponsored by the Munich University Society.
The award ceremony takes place on the annual Good Teaching Day at LMU. Nominations for projects to be honored are submitted once a year by the faculties and evaluated by a jury consisting of representatives from all subject and status groups at LMU.
Students and student project teams who would like to apply for one of the awards are asked to contact the responsible vice dean of their faculty.